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Custom Home Building

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Incorrect! Builders have commonalities but are different in many respects. All houses are not built the same. Many factors go into building a comfortable, efficient, and durable home. Lone Creek is determined to build long-lasting, high-quality homes taking into consideration 4 critical areas. Water, air, vapor, and temperature. These areas require attention to detail which can be commonly overlooked in the construction of a home.

Correct! Builders have commonalities but are different in many respects. All houses are not built the same. Many factors go into building a comfortable, efficient, and durable home. Lone Creek is determined to build long-lasting, high-quality homes taking into consideration 4 critical areas. Water, air, vapor, and temperature. These areas require attention to detail which can be commonly overlooked in the construction of a home.

Incorrect! A builder requires just as much time as the architect to work through design elements of your home. Ultimately, the builder needs to share in your vision and requires time to study details, provide suggestions, and create a schedule and cohesiveness with the trades who perform work on your build. Lone Creek vests themselves into your home and we proudly provide suggestions where most builders simply elect to complete only what’s needed to move onto another project.

Correct! A builder requires just as much time as the architect to work through design elements of your home. Ultimately, the builder needs to share in your vision and requires time to study details, provide suggestions, and create a schedule and cohesiveness with the trades who perform work on your build. Lone Creek vests themselves into your home and we proudly provide suggestions where most builders simply elect to complete only what’s needed to move onto another project.

Incorrect! Building code inspections are simply inspections which determine if the minimal standard has been met in that phase of construction. Many thousands of homes can pass inspections but still have numerous quality control issues. Lone Creek builds beyond code and encourages more stout building practices. We dedicate ourselves to your home and treat it as if it was ours.

Correct! Building code inspections are simply inspections which determine if the minimal standard has been met in that phase of construction. Many thousands of homes can pass inspections but still have numerous quality control issues. Lone Creek builds beyond code and encourages more stout building practices. We dedicate ourselves to your home and treat it as if it was ours.

Correct! Lone Creek is determined to take part in your vision. We take a proactive role in the design elements of your home. We advocate on your behalf by soliciting the best costs we can while providing the highest quality construction. Lone Creek does not markup materials, appliances, fixtures, or any phase of the build. We charge a general contracting fee, and our goal is to supply you with the best service possible while being the most financially conscious. Many builders can mark up materials along the way and charge building fees on top, creating more financial stress for you.

Incorrect! Lone Creek is determined to take part in your vision. We take a proactive role in the design elements of your home. We advocate on your behalf by soliciting the best costs we can while providing the highest quality construction. Lone Creek does not markup materials, appliances, fixtures, or any phase of the build. We charge a general contracting fee, and our goal is to supply you with the best service possible while being the most financially conscious. Many builders can mark up materials along the way and charge building fees on top, creating more financial stress for you.

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